This post is about the different types of audience and the certain types of film they would be interested in;
Classifications are based on the occupation of the head of the household.
A - Upper middle class - Higher managerial, administrative or professional
B - Middle class - Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional
C1 - Lower middle class - Supervisory or clerical and junior managerial, administrative.
C2 - Skilled working class - Skilled manual workers
D - Working class - Semi and unskilled manual workers
E - Those at the lowest - Lowest grade workers, people who depend on welfare or the elderly.
level of subsistense
This is a chart of all classes in family, and what icome is needed to be classed as each. Class can effect what kind of movies people like due to their life style and what kind of things the family would be used to seeing and no be offended by.
Effects models.
The hypodermic needle model
The intended message is directly recieved and wholly accepted by the receiver.
Two-step flow
The people with most access to media, and highest media literacy explain diffuse the content to others. This is a modern version of the hypodermic needle.
Uses and gratifications
People are not helpless victims of mass media, but use the media to get specific gratification, (Diversion, personal relationships, personal identity, surveillence)
Reception theory
The meaning of a 'text' is not inheret within the text itself, but the audience mst elicit meaning based on their individual cultural background and life experiences.
Obstinate audience theory
This theory assumes there is a transactual communication between the audience and the media. The audience actively selects what messages to pay attention to. (Zimmerman-Bauer study-found that the audience also participates in the communication by influencing the message.)
Audience decoding
The audience member assumes the dominant hegemonic position, when they recognise and agree with the full-preferred meaning offered by the media text. The oppositional hegemonic position is established when the audience member understands the preferred meaning, but disagrees with it due to their own set of attitudes and beliefs. The negotiated hegemonic position is established when the audience member opposes or has to adapt the preferred meaning. The forth type of audience response is referred to as aberrant decoding. This is where the audience member reads the text in an unpredicted way, producing a deviant meaning.
Audience theory Typical Film Noir and Neo Noir Audience for your Film Noir
Demegraphics - National D-B (male) Female young adult (18-25 D-B)Readership Survey
Mode of address Be aware of the woman You can't trust anyone
(How does the media product
talk to you?)
Audience positioning I think there is more of a male From a females perspective
(perspective, who should gaze
you support?)
Effects models Hypodermic syringe (simple) or Reception theory-figuring out
uses and gratification.
Audience decoding Followed what most people Oppositional - woman don't kill normally
-Dominant hegemonic think
-Oppositional hegemonic
-Negotiated hegemonic
Aberrant decoding
Here is a pyramid of socail class.
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